Jake LaCaze

“They is?”

On my main (longform) blog, I recently wrote about an owl who made his home in a tree in my family’s front yard.

We’ve since discovered he’s not alone. And that this other owl appears to have made a nest in a nearby tree.

Video or it didn’t happen:

I just heard the news that Steve Albini passed away a couple days ago.

Albini has always had a special place in my heart for producing Pixies' Surfer Rosa.

Surfer Rosa was one of those albums that blew my young mind. I later realized that one of my favorite parts of it was its simplicity. Albini didn’t typically allow overdubs. The drums were loud. The album was pretty much a live album.

I told my cousin just last week that if I ever had a band, I’d want to record an album with Steve Albini just to know what my band was truly worth.

It’s hard not to feel a bit like ‘the end of an era’ today.

Thanks for the tunes, Steve.

P.S. Nirvana’s In Utero > Nevermind–no contest

When it comes to communication, I usually lean toward less is more.

But sometimes a little extra info is all you need to make it 10/10.

Applying for jobs online is broken.

We all know the joke about uploading your resume and then typing up your resume.

But this situation takes it to a new level.

When people sing that one REM song, they so often seem to focus on the first part of the chorus:

It’s the end of the world

while glossing over the latter part:

as we know it

The world as we know it is ending. And we’re uncomfortable about this fact.

As generations before us have been.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

How quickly kids go from I’M NAKED AND I DON’T CARE WHO SEES to I’m shutting the door for privacy.

Logged onto Gmail to make sure nothing important fell into the Spam folder (I forward my Gmail to my main email, but spam doesn’t get passed on).

The majority of my ‘spam’ emails were Google Alerts I set up that never got forwarded to my main email. What’s Google trying to say about itself?